
Selected Articles

2024 Rodriguez GA, Rothenberg EF, Shetler CO, Aoun A, Posani L, Vajram SV, Tedesco T, Fusi S, Hussaini SA. Impaired Spatial Coding and Neuronal Hyperactivity in the Medial Entorhinal Cortex of APPNL-G-F Mice. bioRxiv. 2024:2024-11.

2024 Raghuraman R, Aoun A#, Herman M#, Shetler CO, Nahmani E, Hussaini SA. Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease Mice. bioRxiv. Apr 17:2024-04. #Equal contribution.

2024 Barrett GM#, Vajram SA#, Shetler O, Aoun A, Hussaini SA. Open-Source Tools to Analyze Temporal and Spatial Properties of Local Field Potentials. bioRxiv. Mar 14:2024-03. #Co-first

2023 Morrone CD, Raghuraman R, Hussaini SA*, Yu WH*. Proteostasis failure exacerbates neuronal circuit dysfunction and sleep impairments in Alzheimer’s disease. Molecular Neurodegeneration18(1), 27. (Review)      *Co-senior

2020 Forsell L, Vos EN, Jayaraman K, Edman A, Hussaini SABrainWiki—A Wiki-Style, User Driven, Comparative Brain Anatomy Tool. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 14, 548172. 

2017 Fu H#, Rodriguez GA#, Herman M, Emrani S, Nahmani E, Barrett G, Figueroa HY, Goldberg E, Hussaini SA*, Duff KE*, Tau Pathology Induces Excitatory Neuron Loss, Grid Cell Dysfunction, and Spatial Memory Deficits Reminiscent of Early Alzheimer’s DiseaseNeuron 93, 1–9, February 8. #Equal contribution *Co-senior.

2018 Miranda AM, Herman M, Cheng R, Nahmani E, Barrett G, Micevska E, Gaelle Fontaine E, Potier M, Head E, Schmitt FA, Lott IT, Antonarakis SE, Paolo GD, Lee JH, Hussaini SA, Marquer C, Excess synaptojanin 1 drives age-dependent cognitive deficits, a potential unifying mechanism for individuals at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Cell reports, 23(10), pp.2967-2975.

2017 Wang S, Kugelman T, Buch A, Herman M, Han Y, Karakatsani ME, Hussaini SA, Duff KE, Konofagou E, Non-invasive, Focused Ultrasound-Facilitated Gene Delivery for OptogeneticsSci Rep. Jan 6 ; 7:39955.

2017 Nuriel T, Angulo SL, Khan U, Ashok A, Chen Q, Figueroa HY, Emrani S, Liu L, Herman M, Barrett G, Savage V, Buitrago L, Cepeda-Prado E, Fung C, Goldberg E, Gross SS, Hussaini SA, Moreno H, Small SA & Duff KE, Neuronal hyperactivity due to loss of inhibitory tone in APOE4 mice lacking Alzheimer’s disease-like pathologyNature comm., 8(1), 1464.

2017 Fu H, Hussaini SA, Wegmann S, Profaci C, Daniels JD, Herman M, Emrani S, Figueroa HY, Hyman BT, Davies P, Duff KE, 3D Visualization of the Temporal and Spatial Spread of Tau Pathology Reveals Extensive Sites of Tau Accumulation Associated with Neuronal Loss and Recognition Memory Deficit in Aged Tau Transgenic MicePLoS One Jul 28 ; 11(7).

2016 Wu JW, Hussaini SA, Bastille IM, Rodriguez GA, Mrejeru A, Rilett K, Sanders DW, Cook C, Fu H, Boonen RA, Herman M, Duff KE, Neuronal activity enhances tau propagation and tau pathology in vivoNat Neurosci. Aug;19(8):1085-92.

2011 Hussaini SA, Kempadoo KA, Thuault SJ, Siegelbaum SA, Kandel ER, Increased size and stability of CA1 and CA3 place fields in HCN1 knockout miceNeuron Nov 17;72(4):643-53.

2011 Giocomo LM, Hussaini SA, Zheng F, Kandel ER, Moser MB, Moser EI, Grid cells use HCN1 channels for spatial scalingCell Nov 23;147(5):1159-70.